Saturday, 27 December 2014

Feedback from our visitors - Art expo "We Love Christmas" 2014

We had a lot of visitors to our art exhibition this December.
Am avut o multime de vizitatori ai expozitiei in decembrie.

They wrote in our project's Honour Book. Here is feedback from some of our visitors:
Ei au lasat cateva impresii in Cartea de onoare a proiectului:

"There is so much emotion and joy transmitted through these drawings, that one is left with tears in one's eyes. Congratulations to the children and their teachers for this exhibition".
"Se transmite atata emotie si bucurie in aceste desene, incat sigur ai ochii inlacrimati. Felicitari copiilor si dascalilor pentru aceasta expozitie!"
Cu respect, prof. Brandusa Pop

"I liked the exhibition and the big tree, especially when we made sone Christmas tree decorations. I hope we can do this next year too."
"Expozitia cu bradul urias a fost minunata. Mi-a placut cand am facut decoratiunile de brad. A fost o experienta minunata. Sper sa repetam aceasta experienta si anul viitor."

"The works presented in this exhibition have made me feel the Christmas spirit and atmosphere from my childhood years. I appreciate the originality and the very good quality of the exhibits."
"Lucrarile prezente in cadrul expozitiei m-au facut sa simt atmosfera Craciunului din anii copilariei. Apreciez originalitatea si calitatea lucrarilor."
inv. Simona Achim

"I was more impressed by the drawings made by the students from Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" because they were more beautiful."
"Desenele prezentate de copiii de la Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" m-au impresionat mai mult, pentru ca erau mai frumoase fata de celelalte scoli."
Madalina Rac

"My heart stopped a beat when I first saw this art exhibition. So much emotion and joy were spread over these beautiful drawings."
"In momentul in care am vazut pentru prima data expozitia, inima mi s-a oprit in loc. Pe toate desenele se vedeau parca emotiile si bucuriile presarate peste desenele care mai de care mai frumoase."
Rafael Zaharie

"As long as we can watch these drawings, we can preserve our shildhood innocence in our souls, and this makes us try to be pure and clean at the beginning of the Christmas holidays."
"Cata vreme mai privim desenele, ne pastram in suflet inocenta de copil, care ne face sa incercam sa fim puri si curati in prag de sarbatori."
As. med. Victoria Goje

"Let us be grateful to the students and our colleagues, the teachers, who made us feel in advance the great Christmas holiday. The warm colours have washed our souls, clearing away the goop gathered in time. Due to them, we have remembered that we are citizens of the heaven. Thank you, Daniela, Tavi and Marcela."
"Sa le fim recunoscatori elevilor si colegilor nostri care ne-au facut sa traim in avans marea sarbatoare a Craciunului. Culorile calde ne-au spalat sufletul de mazga adunata in timp. Datorita lor, ne-am reamintit ca suntem cetateni ai cewrului. Multumim Daniela, Tavi si Marcela!"
prof. Elena Calincan

"Emotion, joy, our feeling wake up when we speak aboput Christmas and its meaning. We don't always use words to transmit these feelings. This time, the beautiful exhibits made by the children participating in this international art exhibition transmit emotion, warmth, nice thoughts, peace and
peaceful souls. Congratulations to the participants and to the organisers."
"Emotie, bucurie, trezire in simtire te cuprinde atunci cand vorbesti despre Craciun si despre semnificatia acestei sarbatori. Nu totdeauna folosim cuvintele pentru a transmite aceste sentimente. De aceaqsta data, lucrarile deosebite  ale copiilor participanti la aceasta expozitie internationala, transmit emotie, caldura, ganduri frumoase, pace si liniste in suflete. Felicitari participantilor si organizatorilor."
prof. inv. primar Mariana Deac

And feedback from our visitors on Facebook.
Si feedback de la vizitatorii nostri pe Facebook:

"We Love Christmas" art exhibition, December 2014

In December 2014, we opened the art exhibition for students "We Love Christmas".
It is the 8th edition of this exhibition in our school.

In decembrie 2014, am vernisat expozitia de arta pentru elevi "Noi iubum Craciunul" 2014. A fost cea de a 8-a editie a expozitiei.

In the beginning of the event, my students from grade 4B, coordinated by their class mistress, Maria Lar, sang some Christmas songs to make the event more festive.

In deschiderea vernisajului, elevii mei din clasa a 4-a b, coordonati de invatatoarea lor, Maria Lar, au cantat cateva cantece ce iarna:
 Cantece de iarna

In this exhibition were present more than 500 exhibits, made by children from more than 20 schools from 8 countries. The means of expression were very varied and the drawings, Christmas cards, Nativity scenes and other products were full of colour and put us all in the Christmas spirit, just fit to begin the Christmas and New Year celebrations.
Here is the link to the photo album of this exhibition:

"We Love Christmas" 2014 photo album

In aceasta expozitie au fost prezentate mai mult de 500 exponate realizate de elevi din peste 20 de institutii de invatamant din 8 tari. Modalitatile de expresie au fost foarte variate si desenele, felicitarile de Craciun, machetele si alte exponate au fost pline de culoare si ne-au adus tuturor spiritul Craciunului in suflete, tocmai potrivit pentru a incepe sarbatorile de craciun si Anul Nou. Iata link-ul spre albumul de poze de la expozitie:

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year in 2015!

va uram Craciun  Fericit si un foarte fericit An Nou in 2015!

Art project "Children - Our Future" 2014 - 2015

Children - Our Future is an art project meant to promote our students' creativity and cultural values and exchange artistic methods in presenting their ideas. It is also a means to fight ignorance, discrimination and early school leaving.

In the 21st century, when using the Internet to communicate has become easier and more available to all, children can get various information very easily, by accessing various programs and applications on their PCs or mobile phones.
Art has a great influence on people’s lives and it can teach people to accept those who are different and it can be a good tool to fight against ignorance, discrimination and early school leaving.
That is why the teachers involved in this project have thought to coordinate their students’ activity of creating arts and crafts objects that can illustrate the students’ ideas and creativity concerning various topics from real life. Art can also be used as a means of communication amongst people, both in real and virtual world..
Our students will benefit from amusing, interesting and useful art activities and will be able to express their ideas and feelings, improve their self-esteem and communicate with their peers from abroad.
The coordinator of the project is:
  1. Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania, represented by Director prof. Adina Iuliana Cosma, and project coordinator prof. Daniela B. Buda
Our partners in the project this year are: 
  1. CEIP Sagrado Corazon, LIbrilla (Murcia), Espana, represented by  Director prof. Concepción Sánchez Nicolás, and contact person prof. Mariola Modino Garabito
  2. ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO "Joseph Stella" Muro Lucano, Potenza Italy, represented by Headmistress:  Anna Maria Filomena Pinto; contact person:Anna Filomena Mungiello
  3. ATATÜRK ORTAOKULU,  Taşköprü-Kastamonu, Turkey, represented by Director: Erol Baş, contact person: Bekir DİŞLİ 
  4. EVLIYA ÇELEBI IMAM HATIP ORTAOKULU, BEKIRPAŞA-IZMIT, TURKEY, represented by Headmaster: Muhammet Kocakaya, Contact persons: Meryem Kıtay Zengin and  Özlem İlbay Çelik
  5. ZESPOL SZKOL OGOLNOKSZTALCACYCH, Łodygowice, PolandContact person: teacher Anna Rapacz-Topilko
  6. SCOALA GIMNAZIALA REDIU, COMUNA REDIU, IASI, ROMANIA, represented by Director: Ana Ciobanu, contact person: profesor Daniel Lozba-Stirbuleac
  7. Kuldiga s Alternative Primary School, Kuldiga, Latvia, represented by Headmaster: Lorita Dermane; Contact person: Sandra Blumberga
  8. CENTRAL EDUCATIONAL COMPLEX, KASOA - CENTRAL REGION, GHANA, represented by Headmaster: Abubakari Mohammed; Contact person: Abubakari Mohammed
  9. MOBSAL ART GALLERY, ACCRA, GHANA, represented by Director/Manager : AbdulSalam  MohammedSani  Mobsal; Contact person: AbdulSalam  MohammedSani  Mobsal
  11. SCOALA GIMNAZIALA RECEA, represented by Director: prof.Groşan Gheorghe; Contact person: prof. Murariu Adriana Mihaela
  12. CENRUL SCOLAR DE EDUCATIE INCLUZIVA, BAIA MARE, ROMANIA, represented by Director Covaci Nicoleta; contact person: Valentin Stirbu
  14. ZESPOL SZKOL PUBLICZNYCH W KOKOSZKOWACH, KOKOSZKOWY, POLAND, represented by Headmaster: Anna Benert; Contact person: Kinga Palkowska
  15. Velzys gymnasium, Velzys, Panevezys district, Lithuania, represented by Headmaster Rimtas Baltušis; Contact person: Jurgita Kuprinskienė,
Target group: students aged 5-20 from the partner schools 
The Aim of the project is to encourage our students to use Arts and crafts as a means to communicate with their peers from other countries.

-                      promoting the students’ and their teachers’ talent and creativity
-                      Improving the students’ artistic skills
-                      Improving our students’ self-esteem and opening their minds to be able to fight against ignorance, any kind of discrimination and early school leaving
-                      Making a cultural exchange among our students, learning about their partners’ cultures, their social and cultural values and the way of life in the partner countries.

Expected Results:
-                      Improving the students’ creativity
-                      Improving our students’ self-esteem and opening their minds to be able to fight against ignorance and any kind of discrimination
-                      Reducing the early school leaving process
-                      Making a cultural exchange among our students, learning about cultures, their social and cultural values and the way of life in the partner countries.
End products:
-          Arts and crafts exhibits
-          Art exhibitions
-          the project blog
-          photos

Evaluation of the activities will be made based on the exhibitions, the arts and crafts exhibits and photo albums
Dissemination will be made through the project blog, on Facebook, on the schools’ websites and in the local mass media.

Nr. Crt.
Exhibition topic
Deadline for the exhibits to arrive to Scoala Gimnaziala “Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania

“We love Christmas”
10 December  2014

“Mother’s Day/ Women’s Day”
2 March 2015

“The Light of Ressurection” (Easter)
6 April 2015

“Children – Our Future”, 1st of June – The International Children’s Day
20 May 2015

Romanian version

"Children - Our Future" - "Copiii - viitorul nostru" este un proiect de arta menit sa promoveze creativitatea si valorile culturale ale elevilor nostri  si un schimb de metode de expresie artistica in exprimarea ideilor lor. Acest proiect reprezinta si un mijloc de lupta impotriva ignorantei, a discriminarii si a abandonului scolar.

In secolul 21, cand comunicarea pe internet este la indemana tuturor, copiii tind sa obtina informatii foarte usor accesand diversele programe si aplicatii pe calculator si/sau pe telefonul mobil.
Arta are o mare influenta asupra vietii oamenilor si ii poate invata sa ii accepte pe cei care sunt diferiti, si poate fi o unealta buna pentru lupta impotriva ignorantei, a discriminarii si a abandonului scolar.
De aceea, profesorii implicate in proiect s-au gandit sa coordoneze activitatea creativa a elevilor lor in domeniul artelor vizuale care sa poata ilustra ideile si creativitatea elevilor in ceea ce priveste diferite teme din viata reala. Arta poate fi folosita sic a mijloc de comunicare intre oameni, atat in mediu real, cat si in cel virtual.
Elevii vor beneficia de activitati amuzante, interesante, si in acelasi timp vor invata sa-si foloseascacreativitatea pentru a-si exprima ideile si sentimentele, pentru a-si imbunatati stima de sine si pentru a comunica cu colegii lor din alte tari

Coordonatorul proiectului este:
  1. Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Alecsandri” BAIA MARE, ROMANIA, represented by Director prof. Adina Iuliana Cosma, si coordonator de proiect prof. Daniela B. Buda
Partenerii nostri sunt:: 
  1. CEIP Sagrado Corazon, LIBRILLA (MURCIA), ESPANA, reprezentata de  Director prof. Concepción Sánchez Nicolás, persoana de contact prof. Mariola Modino Garabito
  2. ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO "Joseph Stella" Muro Lucano, POTENZA ITALY, reprezentat de  Headmistress:  Anna Maria Filomena Pinto;  persoana de contact:Anna Filomena Mungiello
  3. ATATÜRK ORTAOKULU,  Taşköprü-Kastamonu, Turkey, reprezentata de  Director: Erol Baş, persoana de contact: Bekir DİŞLİ 
  4. EVLIYA ÇELEBI IMAM HATIP ORTAOKULU, BEKIRPAŞA-IZMIT, TURKEY,  reprezentata de  Headmaster: Muhammet Kocakaya,  persoane de contact: Meryem Kıtay Zengin si Özlem İlbay Çelik
  5. ZESPOL SZKOL OGOLNOKSZTALCACYCH, ŁODYGOWICE, POLANDContact person: teacher Anna Rapacz-Topilko
  6. SCOALA GIMNAZIALA REDIU, COMUNA REDIU, IASI, ROMANIA, reprezentata de  Director: Ana Ciobanu,  persoana de contact: profesor Daniel Lozba-Stirbuleac
  7. KULDIGA S ALTERNATIVE PRIMARY SCHOOLKULDIGALATVIA, reprezentata de  Headmaster: Lorita Dermane;  persoana de contact Sandra Blumberga
  8. CENTRAL EDUCATIONAL COMPLEX, KASOA - CENTRAL REGION, GHANA, reprezentat de  Headmaster: Abubakari Mohammed;  persoana de contact: Abubakari Mohammed
  9. MOBSAL ART GALLERY, ACCRA, GHANA,reprezentata de  Director/Manager : AbdulSalam  MohammedSani  Mobsal;  persoana de contact: AbdulSalam  MohammedSani  Mobsal
  11. SCOALA GIMNAZIALA RECEA, reprezentata de  Director: prof.Groşan Gheorghe;  persoana de contact: prof. Murariu Adriana Mihaela
  12. CENRUL SCOLAR DE EDUCATIE INCLUZIVA, BAIA MARE, ROMANIA, reprezentat de  Director Covaci Nicoleta;  persoana de contact: Valentin Stirbu
  14. ZESPOL SZKOL PUBLICZNYCH W KOKOSZKOWACH, KOKOSZKOWY, POLAND, reprezentata de  Headmaster: Anna Benert;  persoana de contact: Kinga Palkowska
  15. VELZYS GYMNASIUMVELZYS, PANEVEZYS DISTRICT, LITHUANIA, reprezentat de Headmaster Rimtas Baltušis;  persoana de contact: Jurgita Kuprinskienė,
Grup ţintă/beneficiar: elevii de varsta cuprinsa intre 5-20 ani, din scolile partenere
Scop, obiective
Scopul proiectului este de a incuraja elevii sa foloseasca arta ca mijloc de comunicare cu tinerii din alte tari.
-           Imbunatatirea creativitatii si a competentelor artistice ale elevilor si profesorilor lor;
-           Imbunatatirea stimei de sine a elevilor si realizarea unei deschideri a mintii pentru a lupta impotriva ignorantei, discriminarii de orice fel si a abandonului scolar;
-           Realizarea unui schimb, intre elevi, de informatii despre cultura, modul de viata si valorile social-culturale ale elevilor din tarile partenere

Rezultatele asteptate:
-           Imbunatatirea creativitatii si a competentelor artistice ale elevilor;
-           Imbunatatirea stimei de sine a elevilor si realizarea unei deschideri a mintii pentru a lupta impotriva ignorantei, discriminarii de orice fel si a abandonului scolar;
-           Realizarea unui schimb, intre elevi, de informatii despre cultura, modul de viata si valorile social-culturale ale elevilor din tarile partenere

Produse finale:
-          lucrari de arta
-          Expozitii de arta
-          blogul proiectului
-          fotografii

Evaluarea activitatilor se va face pe baza expozitiilor si a fotografiilor realizate la activitati

Mediatizarea si diseminarea se va face pe blogul proiectului, pe Facebook, pe website-urile scolilor si in massmedia locala.

Nr. Crt.
Tema expozitiei
Data pana la care exponatele trebuie sa ajunga la Scoala Gimnaziala “Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare
“We love Christmas” (“Iubim Crăciunul”)
10 decembrie 2014
“Mother’s Day/ Women’s Day” (“Ziua Mamei/ Femeii”)
2 martie 2015
“The Light of Ressurection” (“Lumina Învierii” – Pasti)
6 aprilie 2015
“Children – Our Future”, (“Copiii – Viitorul nostru” – 1 Iunie – Ziua Internationala a copilului)
20 mai 2015

Wednesday, 3 December 2014