Thursday, 12 March 2015

Made for Europe 2015

Today, March 12, 2015, we held the presentation of our two projects the art expo series "Children - our future" ( ) and the eTwinning project "My European Penfriends" ( ), within the regional phase of the National contest "Made for Europe" 2015. The students did the presentations well and now we are waiting for the results: will we go to the nationals or not? Time will tell us. Wish us good luck.

Here is the link to the photo album: 

Azi, 12 martie 2015, am participat la faza judeteana a Concursului national "Made for Europe" 2015. Am inscris in concurs doua proiecte: seria de expozitii "Copiii - viitorul nostru" ( ) si proiectul eTwinning "My European Penfriends" ( ). Speram sa mergem si noi la faza nationala, deoarece ambele proiecte sunt parteneriate de succes. Urati-ne success.

Iata linkul la albumul foto de la activitate:

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