1st of June is celebrated as the International
Children's Day. For this occasion, the project team from Scoala Gimnaziala
"Vasile Alecsandri" from Baia Mare, Romania, together with our
partners from Italy, Spain, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Turkey, Ghana and Iraq,
has organised the art exhibition called "Children - Our Future". This
art exhibition is one of the four exhibitions organised during the school year
within our project "Children - Our Future".
To mark this celebration, besides the exhibition, the students and teachers from our school have also organised a show to promote our students creativity and talent. I invite you to watch the photo album from our successful activity. I wish our students and all the children of the world the best of health and happiness. Don't forget that education is the best treasure one can find in life. :)
Here is the link to the whole photo album from the exhibition:
To mark this celebration, besides the exhibition, the students and teachers from our school have also organised a show to promote our students creativity and talent. I invite you to watch the photo album from our successful activity. I wish our students and all the children of the world the best of health and happiness. Don't forget that education is the best treasure one can find in life. :)
Here is the link to the whole photo album from the exhibition:
Romanian version:
1 Iunie e sarbatorita ca Ziua Internationala a
Copiilor. Cu aceasta ocazie, in data de 29 mai 2015, echipa de proiect de la
Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" din Baia Mare a vernisat
expozitia "Copiii - viitorul nostru", care se afla in acest an la a
8-a editie, si care face parte din proiectul cu acelasi nume. La expozitie au
participat cu lucrari elevi din Romania, Spania, Italia, Polonia, Lithuania,
Letonia, Turcia, Ghana si Iraq. Cu aceasta ocazie, elevii scolii noastre,
coordonati de profesorii si invatatorii lor, au organizat un moment artistic
care a avut mare succes la publicul care a asistat. Le multumesc doamnelor
directoare Adina Cosma,Laura Cont si colegilor care s-au implicat in
organizarea acestui eveniment: Calincan
Elena, Pop
Octavian, Marcela Pop, Lucia Pop, Viorica Costenar, Raluca Salajan, Corina
Cordea, Simona
Achim, Maria Lar si tuturor celorlalti colegi care au
contribuit la reusita activitatii.
Vreau sa multumesc in mod special domnului
Profesor Cristian
Anghel, care si de
aceasta data si-a facut timp sa vina sa ne aprecieze. Il asteptam sa revina si
la alte activitati culturale pe care le organizam in scoala. Si, avand in
vedere ca se apropie 1 Iunie, uram tuturor elevilor nostri si copiilor din
toata lumea "La multi ani cu sanatate!" Si nu uitati ca educatia este
cea mai de pret comoara pe care o poate avea un om si un popor!
Iata albumul foto si cateva inregistrari video de la sarbatoarea noastra:
Album foto
Inregistrari video:
Album foto
Inregistrari video:
Very good work! Congratulations!
Great work!
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