In December 2014, we opened the art exhibition for students
"We Love Christmas".
It is the 8th edition of this exhibition
in our school.
In decembrie 2014, am vernisat expozitia de arta pentru elevi "Noi iubum Craciunul" 2014. A fost cea de a 8-a editie a expozitiei.
In decembrie 2014, am vernisat expozitia de arta pentru elevi "Noi iubum Craciunul" 2014. A fost cea de a 8-a editie a expozitiei.
In the beginning of the event, my students from grade 4B, coordinated by their class mistress, Maria Lar, sang some Christmas songs to make the event more festive.
In deschiderea vernisajului, elevii mei din clasa a 4-a b, coordonati de invatatoarea lor, Maria Lar, au cantat cateva cantece ce iarna:
Cantece de iarna
In this exhibition were present more than 500 exhibits, made by children from more than 20 schools from 8 countries. The means of expression were very varied and the drawings, Christmas cards, Nativity scenes and other products were full of colour and put us all in the Christmas spirit, just fit to begin the Christmas and New Year celebrations.
In aceasta expozitie au fost prezentate mai mult de 500 exponate realizate de elevi din peste 20 de institutii de invatamant din 8 tari. Modalitatile de expresie au fost foarte variate si desenele, felicitarile de Craciun, machetele si alte exponate au fost pline de culoare si ne-au adus tuturor spiritul Craciunului in suflete, tocmai potrivit pentru a incepe sarbatorile de craciun si Anul Nou. Iata link-ul spre albumul de poze de la expozitie:
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year in 2015!
va uram Craciun Fericit si un foarte fericit An Nou in 2015!
va uram Craciun Fericit si un foarte fericit An Nou in 2015!
Great works and very creative. Learning English will be fun if the teacher is creative.
Best Regards
Tabrani Yunis
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