Monday, 14 December 2015

Art exhibition ”We Love Christmas” , 11 December 2015,

Art project “Children – Our Future”, Art exhibition ”We Love Christmas” , 11 December 2015, Şcoala Gimnazială “Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania, Project coordinator and photo © prof. Daniela B. Buda

This article comes in Romanian and English.

In data de 11 decembrie 2015 a avut loc, la Scoala Gimnaziala “Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare,  vernisajul expozitiei “Noi iubim Craciunul”, organizat in cadrul proiectului educational “Copiii – viitorul nostru”. Au participat cu lucrari elevi din scolile partenere din Romania, Italia,  Spania, Germania, Grecia, Turcia, Lithuania, Letonia, Ghana, Bangladesh, Kenia, Polonia si Iraq. Echipa de proiect din scoala noastra ests formata din prof. Daniela Buda, Marcela Zaplac, Simona Achim  si Pop Octavian.  Cu aceasta ocazie, elevii din corul scolii, coordonati de d-na profesoara Viorica Costenar, ne-au incantat cu splendidele colinde romanesti, elevii d-nei invatatoare Maria Costea au prezentat obiceiul “Steaua” in varianta din zona Lapusului, iar elevii clasei a 6-a B, indrumati de d-na profesoara Raluca Salajan, au prezentat o sceneta pe tema “Nasterii lui Iisus”. Le multumim tuturor pentru effort si pentru gingasia cu care au evoluat si cu aceasta ocazie. Le multumim si celor care au asistat la activitatea noastra si le uram tuturor Sarbatori fericite. Fie ca sufletele lor sa se umple de lumina si bucuria Craciunului!
Puteti vedea mai multe imagini de la vernisaj in albumul photo al expozitiei, iar inregistrarile video cu frumoasele colinde si traditii aici:
Elevii clasei a IV-a D, an şcolar 2015- 2016, pregătind materiale 

pentru expoziţia de Sfintele Paşti, îndrumaţi de d-na înv. Achim 


English version:

On the 11th of December, 2015, the “Children – our future” project team from Scoala Gimnaziala “Vasile Alecsandri” from Baia Mare, Romania, opened the art exhibition called “We Love Christmas”.  The project team is made of the teachers: Daniela Buda, Marcela Zaplac, Simona Achim and Pop Octavian.  In the exhibition there are exhibits made by students from many schools from Romania, Italy, Spain, Germany, Greece, Turkey, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Ghana, Bangladesh, Kenya and Iraq. On this occasion some of our colleagues prepared an artistic moment to mark the event: the school choir, coordinated by prof. Viorica Costenar, sang some Romanian carols, the students of prof. Maria Costea performed a traditional play, called “The Star”, which is usually performed on Christmas night in the villages in the Lapus region, in Maramures, and the students from grade 6B, coordinated by prof. Raluca Salajan, presented a nativity scene. We, the organizers, thank all the teachers and children who presented the wonderful carols, as well as the teachers, parents and students in the audience. We wish all of them Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the light of Christmas fill their hearts with joy.

You can see more images from our official exhibition opening in our photo album and the video recordings with the carols and traditions our students presented for the occasion here:

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