Tuesday, 8 March 2016

8 Martie 2016 - Ziua mamei/ Ziua Femeii. 8 March - Mother's Day/ Woman's Day

Baia Mare este intr-adevar un colt de cultura romaneasca de sute de ani.
Si elevii Şcolii Gimnaziale “Vasile Alecsandri” din Baia Mare, impreuna cu profesorii lor Daniela Buda, Pop Octavian si inv. Marcela Zaplac, au organizat si vernisat azi, 8 Martie 2016, in holul scolii, expozitia cu tema “8 Martie – Ziua Mamei/ Ziua Femeii” editia a 9-a, care face parte din seria de 4 expozitii d in cadrul proiectului international "Copiii - viitorul nostru" - "Children - Our Future. La vernisaj, elevii scolii noastre, coordonati de profesoarele lor Viorica Costenar si Adina Iosif, au pregatit un mic moment artistic pentru mamele si cadrele didactice din scoala pentru a le ura La multi ani de ziua lor.
Iata linkurile la albumul foto si video al evenimentului:

Puteti vedea imagini de la  expozitie si de la editiile anterioare pe blogul proiectului. Ne va bucura daca ne lasati si comentarii/ feedback pe blog: 
Va uram La multi ani de Ziua femeii/mamei  si multa lumina, dragoste si frumusete in viata voastra.

English version:
Baia Mare has been an important Romanian cultural place for hundreds of years.
Today, on the 8th of March 2016, the students from Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare, Romania, together with their teachers Daniela B. Buda,  Pop Octavian and Marcela Zaplac have opened the art exhibition meant to celebrate the 8th of March – Mother’s Day/ Woman’s Day, within the project "Children - Our Future", with partners from 12 countries. This is the 2nd exhibition in the series of four exhibitions within our project. We also had a short artistic program offered by our students, coordinated by their teachers Viorica Costenar and Adina Iosif.
If you want to see images from the last editions of our project, you can visit our project blog and we will appreciate it if you can leave us some comments and/or feedback. 
Here are the links to the photo and video albums of this exhibition:

We wish you all Happy Mother’s Day and Happy Woman’s day in 2016!

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